BHJC Machinery adapanga Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine kwa makasitomala opanga ma gudumu

BHJC Machinery inapanga Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine kwa makasitomala opanga ma gudumu.Makina ang'onoang'ono a Shot Blasting awa adapangidwa makamaka kuti azitsuka magudumu.

Pa Machine Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine iyi ma gudumu amatsukidwa mwachangu ndipo zotsatira zake ndizabwino kwambiri.Makinawa ndiwotsika mtengo kwambiri pakuwombetsa kwa ma wheel band pakati pamitundu ina yamakina ophulitsira kuwombera, monga makina owombera amtundu wa mbedza ndi makina otembenuza tebulo.

Lumikizanani ndi woimira BHJC kuti mudziwe zambiri.
BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (1)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (2)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (3)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (4)

BHJC Machinery designed the Q69 Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine for the customer producing wheel band (5)

Nthawi yotumiza: Apr-12-2022